A Soft Heart - From More Joy

A Soft Heart

Pay attention to your heart.

Is it hard or soft?

Hard is closed, protected, unyielding.

Soft is open, accepting, yielding.

Pay attention to your heart

as you go about your day.

When you enter a meeting.

Sit with a friend.

Think about God.

Call a difficult person.

If you notice that your heart

is hard, soften it.

Relax into openness and yielding.

See what happens.


Charles Dickens

Have a heart that never hardens,

and a temper that never tires,

and a touch that never hurts.


Ezekiel 36:26

I will give you a new heart

and put a new spirit in you;

I will remove from you

your heart of stone

and give you a heart of flesh.


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